Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"Reunited, and it feels so good...."

"..imagine my surprise, to see you here tonight..."
"if you're calling 'bout my heart, it's still yours..."

Wow. I knew Dennis was still there in my heart, but... I went to Kentucky Friday night. The idea was to surprise him fifteen minutes or so before his store closed. But I didn't see his truck parked there, so I snuck in to see if I could see him and found out he went home early cause he had a KILLER day in sales. So, I had to go to his house to surprise him, which ended up not surprising him because he looked out the kitchen window and saw my car where I had tried to hide it. But still. We threw our arms around each other and it felt so RIGHT, so safe and warm and HOME. And then he kissed me. And I realized what was missing in Doug's kisses. Not just passion, but CONNECTION.

But that's just a kiss, that's just a hug. As the weekend went on, I saw a budding new man in Dennis. I saw someone who was meeting life HEAD ON, not just riding the waves but TAKING ON THE CURRENT. And winning. He stood straighter. He walked taller. There was confidence in his voice, in his stride. There was an easygoing laughter within him that wasn't there before. He was a MAN, and, a damn sexy man at that.

I hope it's real. I hope it lasts. I'll need to see him in the long run, managing his own life apart from his family, moving forward, finding and doing what he loves. Letting God work within him. And I SOOO hope he'll make it. Because the sweeping has already begun.

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