Monday, May 08, 2006

School's OUT? for the summer?

Is this supposed to be a sign? Seems the FAFSA we filled out was for the 06-07 year, and classes offered in the summer are for the 05-06 year, so there will be no financial aid if I take classes this summer. The aid is quite a lot, more than enough to pay for the tuition and books, so I can't really justify spending money on classes when Brad is still unemployed. Besides, because the summer schedule is so light on classes (they combine all the 1's and 2's, and leave most stand alones out of the schedule till fall) to get my 6 hours in that I need to qualify for aid, I would need to take a GREAT class on macro photography, that I desperately want to take, but that requires a macro lens, which my current camera can't support, so I would need to upgrade to the Rebel SLR that I've been dreaming of, which is $760, and the lens is another $400. Now, aid can count for supplies, but....that's a lot of dough when Brad is out of a job. So, maybe this is God's way of saying hold off till fall. Or, just maybe, stuff happens.

In other news, "Up on the Roof" is playing in our house, as in Brad has SHINGLES. I thought shingles were in line with scurvy, but apparently not. You see, the virus that causes chickenpox never goes away, it settles into your spinal cord and WAITS. And sometimes, when your immune system is down, due to old age or STRESS (as in "I need a job" stress) the virus wakes up and causes shingles. They are very very painful sets of blisters that occur on only one side of your body. Brad's erupted on his face and lymph nodes. In the middle of the night last Thursday, he drove himself to the ER where they diagnosed him. Ever seen that episode of "Friends" where Ross has something weird on his bottom, and the doctors all crowd around to see it? Yep, that's what happened. The ER doc called in the nurses and residents to show them what Shingles looked like, and they "ooh"ed and "ahh"ed over Brad's poor red, embarrassed face. He's still in much pain, but being a trooper and trying to get on; he even mowed the grass yesterday while the kids and I were at church (he didn't want to take a chance and possibly give chickenpox to someone at church, which you can do when you have shingles.) My guy.

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