Saturday, June 30, 2007

Moving forward, but glancing behind...

Since Dennis:
I went out with David a couple times. But, didn't feel anything much, and the laughter wasn't there, so I quit him.
Then I went out with Doug a couple times, and will most likely continue to date Doug. He's very funny. Doug is 41, 6'1, owns his own business that he can kind of set his hours. He is divorced with a 12 yr. old girl and a 7 yr. old boy. We agree on important things religion wise, childrearing wise, and hate Alanis Morrisette and Sheryl Crow. He's not opposed to Buffy, although, oddly enough, he is opposed to Little House on the Prairie. Hmm.

I like him. Both dates we ended up sitting in my driveway, talking for over four hours. He's very courteous, asking my permission to call me again every time until I finally told him that he had unlimited permission to call me. I have a feeling he's the kind of guy that will ask my permission to kiss me the first time, as well.

But. Little but. I still think about Dennis. I never thought it would be hard to get over someone when I was the one breaking it off. Getting over Dennis is harder, it feels, than it was going through my divorce. Of course, with that, I slowly hardened my heart over five years, with every lie from Brad nailing another nail into the coffin of our relationship.

But Dennis. Everytime I hear "Remember When" on the country station, I think of him. Part of me likes to dream that he really will change his thinking, and come to me in a couple of years a renewed man with a future, and sweep me off my feet. The rest of me HATES it when that part dreams, because, statistics wise, I'd be better off dreaming of being hit by lightening. Not that that would be a good dream, but you get the idea.

And so I move on. But dream, sometimes literally, of Dennis. And while we're on the topic, what is with the "D" guys I'm dating? First there was Dan, then David, then Dennis, then another David, and now Doug. Another "hmmm."

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