To give my daughter the pox at Teddy Bear Camp!!!We were looking forward to going on the
zip line
into the lake after lunch, when I noticed the pus filling spots on her neck. I asked Dave, a friend who was with his son at T.B. camp, if he thought it looked like poison ivy. Who knows, we decided, and I put the thought away. Until we changed into our bathing suits. Then I saw the spots all over her back, tummy, and even under the panty line. I knew my daughter hadn't been running naked in the foliage, so it must be....AH, NO. I took her to the nurse, who said Katie had to be quarantined from the rest of the campers, and that we'd have to arrange another ride home other than the church van we took to get to camp. I left Katie crying in the nurses room while I went to call Brad and get our stuff. The nurse gave Katie her jungle hat. I gave her a Payday candy bar. And we took a nap on the dayglo orange couch in the staff tv/game room.
So....tomorrow I take Katie to the doc to make it official, and then we'llhave to call all the friends who were coming to Katie and Olie's combined birthday party this coming Saturday. At least she feels fine, and I've yet to find a pock on her face. When I got the pox, they hit my face like a storm; in my throat and mouth, ten on my bottom lip alone. When I got back to school (this was in my sophomore or junior year, I can't remember which) I got called pizza face, was told I looked like I got into an axe fight and I didn't have an axe, and my favorite: "Heh Ali, can I play connect the dots on YOUR FACE?"
So, my dear darling daughter, be glad you're getting them now. It could be far worse.
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