Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Tomorrow could be the day...

Well, I go in for my double MRI tomorrow, on my spine at my neck juncture and my lower back, to see if that is the cause of my twitching. The electrocution (where they zap your nerves at different points and at different FREQUENCIES) and the "pokin' at ya, pokin' at ya" (where they put the long needle into your muscles and have you then move those muscles so they can record through the needle what it looks like) showed that my muscles are moving when they shouldn't be. "Whew" I thought, "I'm not crazy, it was really happening." Does anyone else feel like that? That if you have more than one medical issue at a time that you're scared to go to the doctor for both issues cause you're just sure he'll think you are a hypochrondriac? So you end up not going and it gets worse? Ok, just me? Maybe I am a bit nuts, then. What's the medical definition of someone who always thinks they are a hypochondriac?

So, anyway, my muscles are in constant motion, sometimes moving enough that my joint moves along with them. Which could be the cause of the insomnia, the utter exhaustion. Which would mean that I didn't need this depression med I was put on cause another doc thought the insomnia and lack of energy (and being anxious, which can happen when you can't control your muscles and your hubby is out of work) equaled depression, but the drug he gave me can cause big time dizziness, which I also have. So, tomorrow's MRI sessions could reveal the one source of four issues! Whoo-hoo! The fact that my leftover disk has been slowly deterioating since my back surgery when I was 18 might mean this is all cause of two things bumping each other that shouldn't. So, I get a fake disk put in and I'm good to go! YES!

So, some prayers would be appreciated. This has been going on since October, and I'm ready to get some real sleep and to rest, really rest, without looking like a marionette whose strings are in the hands of evil five year olds.

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