Wednesday, August 15, 2007

All good things must come to an end...

...including this blog.
Thank you for reading, friends, and for those of you who left comments, an extra heartfelt thanks goes to you. But it's time for me to close out this blog, and so I say "adieu."

Monday, August 13, 2007

And now for the replay of last summer's heatwave/power outage.... least this year it was only fifteen hours instead of nearly seven days like last year! I didn't lose any food this time, but BOY am I tired after getting little sleep last night due to the kids being woken up to troop down to the basement during the storm, and then them not being able to fall back asleep, and then driving around in the car almost all day to get into airconditioning. Thank you Ameren UE for working so hard to get the power back on!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Bounce THIS, baby!

What is with the world? I go to Jakes on Main St. and find an adorable knapsack with my favorite daisies on it, take it to the sales counter, whip out my checkbook, and am haughtily told "We don't accept checks. Credit card or cash only." Well-hell-ell. So then, today I take Katie to get her hair cut at Great Clips, take out my checkbook and am told "We stopped accepting checks back in April." WHAT? Who started this conspiracy to make us use plastic??? Grr.

Olie has a mohawk.
It seems I didn't win the front row tickets to see Kenny Chesney and Sugarland. Darn. And that was my bait to get Dennis up here.
Speaking of. Boy, I'm falling again. I'm scared, though, of falling. As long as he catches me.