Saturday, October 28, 2006

One "WANT" down...

Barlow Girl was in concert at my church last night, so Katie and I went and jammed with HOLLY and two of her kids. So, one of my "I want to"'s got fullfilled; Holly and I got to see Barlow Girl in concert together. Rock on.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Silver and Gold

I've come back into contact with two friends of my youth; what a blessing from God. First there was John, a good friend from highschool, and just in the past couple of days I've found Ken, a friend from Cincinnati Bible College. I think Ken was one of the people I was most comfortable with.

Ken and I invented the "Blue Daruschnia", which he just reminded me of. I believe it is blueberry schnapps and orange juice. Which we were too young to be consuming. But we were rebelling against the too tight parental-like controls of our college. I made myself throw it up; I didn't like the feeling of being tipsy.

If I remember correctly, he does a mean Robert Plant.

Ken, I'm glad I found you!

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Single Mingle

Well, I guess I have my first official "date?" tomorrow afternoon. Just coffee. Just chatting. But it's a date, I think. I think.
And did I scream that I got A's for my midterm grades?
I LOVE graphic design. Sunday, I will go to a thing at school to determine my future. No big deal. :)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Happy Birthday to me....

and maaaaannnnny more....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My annual fall trip

I have to go every year. My bones cry out for a view of the River Road in full autumnal bloom. My legs itch to climb the hill towards the stone and wood guts of an old cabin. I did it, and it was beautiful. As it is every year. I LOVE this season.